The MS4V digital readout conveyor table has a working length of over 13 feet (4000mm) with an accuracy of ±0.006 inch (±0.15 mm ). The table height is adjustable to fit your application and machinery. Extruded aluminum fence with PVC rollers 8 inch (200 mm) long and steel table.
Technical Data
- Working length 157 inches (4000 mm)
- 0 mm minimum cut
- Load capacity per meter: 66 pounds (30 kg)
- Hand wheel positioning
- Manual locking
- Table width of 8inches (200mm)
- Positioning accuracy (± 0.006 inch (± 0.15 mm )
- Linear bearing rails with 0 backlash
- Built of extruded aluminum with two supports
- Stands with feet with height adjustment
- PVC horizontal rollers
- Vertical support along the entire length